Libra-Time: Work/Art Balance
09 11, 11
dear jack- and jane-o'-lanterns,
i write you from the land of WorkWorkWork with news of two sources of relief (at least for me, anyway). i have crawled through the trenches of september, and i am hoping that october isn't quite as rough, but so far... i'm still waiting. maybe things will get easier by thanksgiving? in any case, i'm thrilled that the logistics have finally aligned to allow me to share a line-up with goli, a band of dear friends from boston, one of whom i collaborate with on my own songs!
goli is "a duo of misfit classical musicians with an appetite for world music that has cut its teeth in rock bands, world folk ensembles, symphony orchestras and the occasional free improv outlet." specifically they are valerie thompson (vocals, cello) and vessela stoyanova (midi marimba, melodica). generally they are awesome.
i will also make a poetry appearance as well. poetry readings can be fun, too! really! try one!
opals and marigolds,
saturday, october 15th, 2011, 6pm
caffè vivaldi • 32 jones street (off bleecker near 7th avenue) • 10014
new york, ny
6:00 - 7:00: petaluma vale (with beloved collaborator valerie thompson and possibly amy beshara)
7:15 - 8:15: sinem saniye
8:30 - 9:30: goli
9:45 - 11:15: tim gilday
food, drinks, dessert
working fireplace
no cover
all ages
saturday, october 22nd, 2011, 2pm
Poetry Harvest
leonia library • 227 fort lee road • 07605
leonia, nj
featured poets will include:
fred stern (moderator)
marianne polosky
annette hollander
shirl mcphillips
petaluma vale
and special guest: dr. michael r. milano
i write you from the land of WorkWorkWork with news of two sources of relief (at least for me, anyway). i have crawled through the trenches of september, and i am hoping that october isn't quite as rough, but so far... i'm still waiting. maybe things will get easier by thanksgiving? in any case, i'm thrilled that the logistics have finally aligned to allow me to share a line-up with goli, a band of dear friends from boston, one of whom i collaborate with on my own songs!
goli is "a duo of misfit classical musicians with an appetite for world music that has cut its teeth in rock bands, world folk ensembles, symphony orchestras and the occasional free improv outlet." specifically they are valerie thompson (vocals, cello) and vessela stoyanova (midi marimba, melodica). generally they are awesome.
i will also make a poetry appearance as well. poetry readings can be fun, too! really! try one!
opals and marigolds,
saturday, october 15th, 2011, 6pm
caffè vivaldi • 32 jones street (off bleecker near 7th avenue) • 10014
new york, ny
6:00 - 7:00: petaluma vale (with beloved collaborator valerie thompson and possibly amy beshara)
7:15 - 8:15: sinem saniye
8:30 - 9:30: goli
9:45 - 11:15: tim gilday
food, drinks, dessert
working fireplace
no cover
all ages
saturday, october 22nd, 2011, 2pm
Poetry Harvest
leonia library • 227 fort lee road • 07605
leonia, nj
featured poets will include:
fred stern (moderator)
marianne polosky
annette hollander
shirl mcphillips
petaluma vale
and special guest: dr. michael r. milano