Sagittarial Stargazing
04 12, 11
dear red giants and white dwarfs,
i write you with very exciting news. for the first time, my poetry has been published! it has been published in the debut issue of a literary journal called Constellations. it is based in the boston/cambridge area, and i know that a lot of work and care has gone into the pages of this new creation. i am honored to be included in an asterism of such fine writers and artists. read on for details on how to order your very own copy!
i also write to you after a recent trip to boston, where i worked on a special holyday song recording with Jaggery, and rehearsed a motley mix of songs specifically from the year 1988. if you've ever wanted to hear songs by def leppard, paula abdul, or rob base through a Jaggery filter, well... have we got the show for you! it should be totally tubular.
wishing you a stellar december,
Constellations: A Journal of Poetry and Fiction
Volume I, Fall 2011 • featuring poems by yours truly
Where to purchase:
(The folks at Constellations will recoup their costs more quickly from CreateSpace orders)
Mixtape 1988
saturday, december 10th, 2011, 9pm
radio • 379-381 somerville avenue • 02143
somerville, ma
Pour Somerville Sugar on Me
Bright Lights, Big Rod
cover: $5
ages: 21+
petaluma vale youtube search
i write you with very exciting news. for the first time, my poetry has been published! it has been published in the debut issue of a literary journal called Constellations. it is based in the boston/cambridge area, and i know that a lot of work and care has gone into the pages of this new creation. i am honored to be included in an asterism of such fine writers and artists. read on for details on how to order your very own copy!
i also write to you after a recent trip to boston, where i worked on a special holyday song recording with Jaggery, and rehearsed a motley mix of songs specifically from the year 1988. if you've ever wanted to hear songs by def leppard, paula abdul, or rob base through a Jaggery filter, well... have we got the show for you! it should be totally tubular.
wishing you a stellar december,
Constellations: A Journal of Poetry and Fiction
Volume I, Fall 2011 • featuring poems by yours truly
Where to purchase:
(The folks at Constellations will recoup their costs more quickly from CreateSpace orders)
Mixtape 1988
saturday, december 10th, 2011, 9pm
radio • 379-381 somerville avenue • 02143
somerville, ma
Pour Somerville Sugar on Me
Bright Lights, Big Rod
cover: $5
ages: 21+
petaluma vale youtube search