Long Way Out Wednesday 9: Lampworker

LampworkerThis week’s free track is “Lampworker.” Lampworking is like glassblowing, but on a miniature scale. Instead of a huge, hot furnace and a long, heavy metal rod, a single flame is used along with small metal skewers. With lampworking, you can make things such as small figurines and beads. My song “Lampworker,” in fact, is all an extended metaphor for making a glass bead by lampworking. I was recently going through my jewelry and found a bead that I had made by this method during my college days.

Lampworking is a fun art form; getting to sculpt molten glass is pretty cool. I recommend taking a class if you ever get the chance, and I also recommend having a listen to “Lampworker” and downloading it while it’s free!